Watch the Video Showing How to Make Blocks Any Size
Tools for Piecing
Seam Allowance Additions
automatically add the exact seam allowances:
Pick any finished size and attach the:
- Purple S Addition for the squares
- Green H Addition for the HSTs
- Red Q Addition for the QSTs
Seam Allowance Additions
come with an 8-page booklet that
includes the Quilt Block Breakdowns.
You can also purchase an extra copy separately.
Color-Coded Quilt Block Breakdowns
show what traditional blocks are made of and how the pieces go together. They show all the squares in purple, half square triangles in green and quarter square triangles in red.
Follow color-coded chart
to make 9-Patch Blocks
Follow color-coded chart
to make 16-Patch Blocks
Seam Allowance Additions are made of
unbreakable Polycarbonate and come with finger
guards to protect your fingers while rotary cutting.
Every Finished-Size Quilting Set includes:
Super Easy Seam Guide Setter
Sew an accurate scant ¼" seam
Finished-Size Quilting
Tool Options:
Set Options with 1, 2 or 3 Guidelines Rulers
Set Options for your 12" & 24" acrylic rulers
Seam Allowance Additions
automatically add the exact
seam allowance amounts
on the edge of the ruler:
- Purple S Addition for the squares
- Green H Addition for the HSTs
- Red Q Addition for the QSTs
Color-Coded Quilt Block Breakdowns
show squares in purple, HSTs in green and
QSTs in red.
Color-coded breakdowns
to make 9-Patch Blocks
Color-coded breakdowns
to make16-Patch Blocks
Seam Allowance Additions come with an 8-page booklet that includes the Quilt Block Breakdowns.
You can download free or purchase an extra copy separately below.
Finished-Size Quilting
Every Finished-Size Quilting Set includes:
Seam Allowance Additions that are made of unbreakable Polycarbonate and come with finger guards to protect your fingers while rotary cutting.
Super Easy Seam Guide Setter
Sew an accurate scant ¼" seam
The New Book 'Patchwork Quilting' by John Brady of Guidelines4Quilting will be available soon!
Sign up for our newsletters to be the first to know and get the best discount when this new book becomes available.
Also, get a link to download Chapter 3 for free & get a sneak peek of what the book is about.
Learn why it's impossible to make triangles accurately using rulers alone.